The planet means a great deal to us at BU; we believe in the Three R’s – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle and doing whatever we can to minimize our carbon footprint
Eco-Friendly - Bottles are 100% recyclable (Bisphenol-A free) HDPE (High-density Polyethylene) plastic.
Bu sunscreen spray uses manual, finger-powered sprayers. These non-pressurized pharmaceutical-grade sprayers disperse an ultra-fine mist and are 100% recyclable using PET plastic.
Powered by the Sun - Bu’s commitment to the environment uses a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliant manufacturer that operates on Solar Power during production, making bü products virtually carbon neutral.
The most Sustainable sunscreen- Degradable & Bio-degradable - Active and inactive ingredients bio-degrade and degrade over time into their original form Water, Silica, and CO2 (Quartz/Sand).
Bu products are cruelty-free, and use no animal derivatives (100% vegan).
Go outside, enjoy, and feel confident that you are protected with BU so you can just be you!